FLP Board of Directors

- Jeff Stanier
- President
- (613) 324-7277
- Samantha Perrin
- Finance
- samantha.perrin@hotmail.com
- Michèle Patry
- Secretary and Communications
- mpatry2015@gmail.com
- Nicole Laframboise
- GFGC Boat Launch Committee
- nlaframboise64@gmail.com
- John Hilbrich
- GFGC Liaison
- john.hilbrich@gmail.com
- Todd Norton
- Camping Culture
- drtnorton1@gmail.com
- Marianne Kennedy Beaulne
- North End and Outreach
- mkennedybeaulne@gmail.com
- Claire Poitras
- South End and Outreach
- clairepoitras@videotron.ca
- Karen Butterfield
- Camping, Watershed and Lake Health
- kkhbutterfield@hotmail.com
- Tracey Henderson
- Camping, Watershed and Lake Health
- thenders@telus.net
- Wanda Taylor
- Membership and USA Liaison
- pemichongan@comcast.net
Board Committees
- Tracey Henderson
- Camping, Watershed and Lake Health
- thenders@telus.net
- John Hilbrich
- GFGC Liaison
- john.hilbrich@gmail.com
- Kristina Inrig
- Alie Bay
- kristina.inrig@gmail.com
- Samantha Perrin
- Finance
- samantha.perrin@hotmail.com
- David Lees
- Membership Outreach
- (613) 866-5337
- davidlees@bell.ca