Pristine Waters
Wash your boat &
watch your wake
Your boat disturbs the lake, our loons and your neighbors.
Keep your speed at 10 km/h within 30 meters of the shore
Waterskiing and wakeboarding should be done at least 50 meters from the shore
and in no less than 3 meters (10 feet) depth water.
How we are
protecting our water
We are part of the RSVL
(Reseau de Surveillance Volontaire des Lacs), a partnership comprised of the government of Quebec, Municipalities, Universities and Lake Associations who are all dedicated to monitor the state and evolution of aquatic environments.
(Reseau de Surveillance Volontaire des Lacs), a partnership comprised of the government of Quebec, Municipalities, Universities and Lake Associations who are all dedicated to monitor the state and evolution of aquatic environments.
We perform numerous tests including:
Water transparency
(10 samples a year)
Dissolved organic carbon
Major Cations
(calcium, magnesium, potassium, conductivity, PH)
(calcium, magnesium, potassium, conductivity, PH)
Water-milfoil and other invasive species
Be aware of the following marker buoys while boating on the lake
rocks immediately below
Eurasia milfoil marker
Eurasia milfoil marker
The yellow buoys on our lake are an ongoing initiative by the “Friends of Lac Pemichangan” lac association implemented to minimize the spread of invasive
milfoil weeds.
If there is an area of milfoil weeds near your cottage and you would like to participate in this program
The yellow buoys
When you see a YELLOW BUOY:
Minimize activity in weed bed
area identified by yellow buoys.
In shoreline weed beds, never
drive your boat between the
shoreline and the weed bed.
Even a paddle can cut a milfoil weed and send it floating to
another area of the lake where it can spread.